Map Key
1 Parking Lots
2 Suspension of Disbelief Bridge
3 Ticket Booths and The Blur
4 Segal’s Floral Clocks
Setting Square
5 Plot Line Station
6 Founders Hall
7 Blank’s Page and Canvas Club
8 The Corner of Time and Place
9 The Camouflage Forest
10 Plotters Field Cemetery
11 Culte des Huit Maison
Who Block
12 Traits R Us
13 Empathy’s Costume Shop
14 Frame ‘Em Up Gallery
Where Block
15 The Map Shack and
The Unreal Estate Agency
16 Café Genre
17 Somewhere in Time Clock Shop
Why Block
18 Desire, Fear and Fuzzy Logic:
General Appeals
19 The Unreliable Narrator Book Shop
20 The POV Camera Boutique
21 The Greatest Story Ever Told
Christmas Shop
What Block
22 Mission Statement to Mars
23 Metaphor Boutique
24 Sign and Symbol Shop
Vera Similatude’s Plaza
25 The Hub with Blank Statue
26 Mount Rashomon Visitor Center
27 The Bamboozled Lounge
28 The Emperor’s New Clothes
29 The Temple of Dolos and Apate
1 Triumph of the Will Sky Way
2 The Jingo Cruise/
Tomorrow Belongs to the USA
3 The Operation Dessert Storm
Ice Cream Parlor
4 The Political Spin
5 The Potemkin Village Boat Ride
6 The Red Scare and Black Ball Pit
7 Reminiscence Adult Day Care
8 The Hot Air Politician Balloon Ride
9 Click’s Bait and Switch Shop &
The Phishing Dock
10 Placebo First Aid Station
11 The Dale Showroom
12 The Brain Washer
13 The Police Ride along with Officer McGrift
14 Drink the Kool-Aid Stand
15 Trojan Horse Internet Café
16 Gaslight Inn and Bakery
17 Plato’s Shadow Theater
18 The Mayflower Simulator
19 Proctor’s Ledge Hanging Tree
20 Carousel of Conquest
21 Papa Gander’s Propaganda Circus
22 The Dogma and Pony Show
23 Journey into Conspiracy
24 Tin Foil Hat Booth
25 Great Moments with Mr. Kennedy
26 Moon Landing Bounce House
27 The Great Ginger Extinction
28 Back Masking Sound Studios
29 Creepy Pasta Diner
30 Grassy Knoll Shooting Gallery
1 The Forger’s Art Gallery
2 Mr. Eckshun’s Snake Oil Wagon
3 The Blindman’s Zoo
4 Red Dye 40 Kool-Aid Stand
5 Imposter Designer Perfumery
6 Making Scents Bistro
7 Trompe l’oeil Tower
8 KFOH Radio Station
9 Abignale’s Paper Hangers and
Stationary Store
10 Costume Jeweler’s Row
11 The Slanted News Stand
12 The Simulated Reality Plot Line Station
13 Kid’s Kingdom of Boxes
14 The Foxx Who Cried Wolf
15 The Polybius Arcade
16 The Reality TV Studio
17 The Rialto Theater
18 Brecht’s Broken 4th Wall Theater
19 The House of Mirrors
20 The Virtual Reality Dome
21 Flight School Simulators
22 The Gran D’illusion Salon
23 The Treachery of Theme Parks
24 Scroller Coaster
25 The Artificial Greenhouse
26 Uncanny Valley Ranch
1 Entrance Arch
2 Mama Tomato’s Pizzeria
3 McLeprechaun O’Banshee’s
4 The Swan Butcher
5 Der Weite Busen Biergarten
6 Le Caniche Gourmand
7 The Alpine Fondue Chalet
8 Gardens of Olympus
9 Tatemae The Oriental Noodle Company
10 Tiki Oasis
11 Walkabout’s Steakhouse
12 The Hyper Reality Plot Line Station
13 The Queen’s Cod & The Kings Codpiece
14 Casa de Taco
Kitsch Gardens
15 The Giant Muffler Man
16 Mount Oldenburg
17 The Brown Derby
18 The Big Whale Stage
19 Big Food!
20 Big Shops!
21 FiestaWare Fiesta
Post Modern Mountain
22 The Outdoor Experience
23 The Humanizer
24 The Revolving Restaurant
25 The Retro Diner
26 The Wild West That Wasn’t
27 The Farmyard Jamboree
Ye Olde Colonial Civil Renaissance
Re-Enactment Festival Faire
28 Ye Olde Towne featuring
Turkey Leg Cars and Starbucks
29 The Empress’s Hedge Maze
30 The History Twister
31 The Queen’s Jousting Grounds and
General’s Battlefield
32 The Gettysburg Encampment
33 Fauxlljah
Port Distortion
1 The Port of Entry
2 The Pink Elephant Cocktail Bar
3 Le Lotus Bleu Opium Den
4 The Crack House
5 Bourbon Street Saloon
6 QED Frat House
7 The Ayahuasca Hut
8 Molly’s Dance Hall
9 The Weed Dispensary
10 The Mushroomery
11 The Electric Kool-Aid Stand
Merchantainment Mall
12 South Wing
Ancient Monument Entrance
Corporate Klassy Food Factory
13 West Wing
The Royal Court of Home Goods
Mini ETOCS Food Court
Feel Bad About Your Body Works
Feel Bad About Your Body Lingerie
14 North Wing
Discount Exotic Imports
Fruit Cult Computer Store
Super Smelly Candle Shop
Well Branded Department Store
Toxic Masculinity Hardware
The Great Pyramid of Toys
15 East Wing
Floor Dresses Discount Shop
Youth Pander’s Forced Hip Shop
Pretentieux Kitchenware
Quirky’s Crap on the Wall Bistro
The Great Outdoors Indoors